Petrarch Press Rubaiyat Title Page on Parchment

Edward FitzGerald’s Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám

We are pleased to announce our latest fine-press book: Edward FitzGerald’s Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám. Our text, that of the 1859 First Edition, is supplemented with six additional quatrains FitzGerald added to his later editions. ❖ The two-color printing, on our Albion handpress, on both handmade paper and parchment, is now complete.

Sonnets Spread

Shake-speare’s Sonnets

The Petrarch Press edition of Shake-speare’s Sonnets has been the most significant project in our history — both for the end result and for the new skills and capabilities we developed along the way. The decision to print the original text was itself a journey of discovery, in which we abandoned our initial plan…

Canticle of the Creatures

Francis of Assisi: Canticle of the Creatures

The Petrarch Press’s Canticle of the Creatures presents a fresh transcription of Francis of Assisi’s original Umbrian text together with a new English translation by John Venerella. The Canticle, sometimes popularly called Canticle of the Sun, is a short song begun in Francis’s early years and completed near the time of his death.

Gospel According to Philip Handmade Paper

The Gospel According to Philip

The Gospel According to Philip, like the more well-known Gospel According to Thomas, forms part of the extensive Nag Hammadi Library, a group of papyrus codices discovered in 1945 outside the Egyptian village of Nag Hammadi, near Abydos and Luxor. Written in Coptic and dating from the first half of the fourth century…

Petrarch Letters Handmade Paper

Thoughts from the Letters of Petrarch

Our first publication, Thoughts from the Letters of Petrarch, commemorates the fine-press tradition of Peter Bishop’s original Petrarch Press. Francesco Petrarca is best known as one of the first writers to experiment with the Italian vernacular for poetic expression. For his letters, however, he relied on the lingua franca of Latin…