
Rubaiyat in Sheets

Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám in Sheets

We are pleased to offer bookbinders a limited number of handmade-paper copies in sheets of our latest publication: Edward FitzGerald’s Rubaiyát of Omar Kháyyám.

Creating New Types for Shake-speare’s Sonnets

When we began to visualize our new edition of Shakespeare’s Sonnets, just a few ideas stood out. We wanted an intimate volume where each sonnet would be presented on its own page and where each verse would stand on one line, regardless of its length. Visually, we wanted our edition to resonate with…

Editing Shakespeare's Sonnets

Editing Shake-speare’s Sonnets

Shakespearean English can be problematic for modern readers. Standardisation of the language did not begin in earnest until the late 18th century. Some words had various spellings, all of which were considered normal at the time. Some words had meanings that have changed over the centuries…

Sonnets Spread

Shake-speare’s Sonnets

The Petrarch Press edition of Shake-speare’s Sonnets has been the most significant project in our history — both for the end result and for the new skills and capabilities we developed along the way. The decision to print the original text was itself a journey of discovery, in which we abandoned our initial plan…